
Welcome to our page dedicated to Donations through Solidarity Purchase!

This is where we believe that every purchase can make a difference and have a real and positive impact on the world around us.

With our "Solidarity Purchase" program, you have the opportunity to transform a simple purchase into an act of generosity and social change.

What is Solidarity Purchase:

- Every Choice Counts: Every time you put a product from our "Special Editions" in your cart, you are helping to build a better future, one step at a time.

- Every Euro Counts: Even a small donation can do great things! For every product purchased, €1 will be donated to socially committed projects and initiatives.

- Transparency and Accountability: Here you can follow the progress of donations and see how your choices can make a difference. Yes, you really can change the world, one conscious purchase at a time!

Why choose Solidarity Purchase:

- Double Benefit: Not only do you bring home a quality object, but you also offer valuable support to the causes that are dear to us.

- Double Action: With just one click, you purchase a unique handmade product and transform your purchase into an act of generosity.

- Simple: Participating in the Solidarity Purchase is very easy. you don't need any extra resources or time: just complete the purchase and you have already contributed to a positive change. Easy, right?

- Accessible to everyone: This type of donation is within everyone's reach, regardless of budget. Because even the smallest gesture can make a big difference.

How it works:

- Discover the Special Editions: Explore our high-quality handmade products and discover which projects or initiatives they are linked to.

- Choose Your Favorite: Add one (or more) products to your cart and complete the purchase as usual.

- Make the Difference: With every purchase, € 1 per product will automatically be donated to the associated association, thus contributing to the cause. Simple, fast and effective!

Every donation is a small but precious brick that, one step at a time, helps to build real and positive change.

Thank you so much for your support and for choosing to join us in the Solidarity Purchase initiative. Together we are creating a brighter and definitely more promising world.


Below you will find some of our products from the Special Editions dedicated to Solidarity Purchase.

Browse the collections, choose your favorite and become an active part of the change with a simple click.


Our first Special Edition is a tribute to the magical world of Harry Potter.

Discover unique, high quality products that will help the Lumos Foundation, founded by the writer J.K. Rowling.

A purchase full of magic!

LUMOS Foundation

This association is dedicated to protecting and promoting children's rights, with the aim of improving the lives of themost vulnerable children. Their mission? A wolrd where every child can grow up in a safe and loving family.

LUMOS shows that the magic of Harry Potter doesn't stop on the pages of books, but comes to life in the real world, transforming into concrete actions that make a difference.

True magic is that which changes the world, one spell at a time!


Lumos Candles Harry Potter Harry Potter Cauldron burns essences Accio Coffee Accio Tea Mugs Harry Potter Leviosa Mug Harry Potter 
After all this time Always Mug Harry Potter Harry Potter Mug Set