
Welcome to our page dedicated to Donations through the "Solidarity Purchase"!

This is where we believe that every purchase can make a difference and have a real and positive impact on the world around us.

Through our "Solidarity Purchase" program, you have the opportunity to transform the simple choice of purchase into an act of generosity and social change.

What is Solidarity Purchase:

- Every Choice counts: Every time you decide to purchase a product, which is part of the Special Editions, you are actively contributing to building a better future, one step at a time.

- Every Euro Counts: Even a small donation can have a huge impact when many people participate. For each product purchased, €1 will be donated to social projects and initiatives.

- Transparency and Accountability: Through this page, you have the opportunity to follow the progress of donations and see how choices can make a difference and have a positive effect.

Why choose Solidarity Purchase:

- Double Benefit: Choosing to purchase a product here will not only give you a quality item, but will also provide valuable support to the causes we support.

- Double Action: With just one click, you will have purchased a unique handmade product and you will have transformed your purchase into an act of generosity.

- Simple: Participating in Solidarity Purchase is incredibly easy, it is not necessary to dedicate additional time or resources, just complete the purchase action and you will have already contributed to a positive change.

- Accessible to all: This type of donation allows anyone to offer their support, making the charitable action open to all, regardless of budget.

How does it work:

- Discover the Special Editions: Explore our high-quality handmade products of the Special Editions and which project or initiative they are related to.

- Choose your favorite: Add one or more products you want to your cart and complete the purchase as you normally would.

- Make the Difference: With the purchase, € 1 per product will automatically be donated to the association to which it is linked, thus contributing to the cause.

Each donation is a precious brick that contributes to the creation of real and positive change, one step at a time.

Thank you for your invaluable support and for choosing to join us in the Solidarity Purchase initiative, helping to create a brighter and more promising world.


Below, you will be able to see some of the products of the Special Editions dedicated to Solidarity Purchase.

Browse the collections and become an active part of the change through your purchase.


The first Special Edition is dedicated to the magical world of Harry Potter, where you will find unique and high quality products, which help support the Lumos Foundation, founded by the writer J.K. Rowling.

LUMOS Foundation

This association is responsible for defending and promoting children's rights and improving the quality of life of the most disadvantaged children, pursuing the vision of a world in which all children can grow up in safe and loving families.


Lumos Candles Harry Potter Harry Potter Cauldron burns essences Accio Coffee Accio Tea Mugs Harry Potter Leviosa Mug Harry Potter 
After all this time Always Mug Harry Potter Harry Potter Mug Set